miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

A pretty good short Xmas

Finally, after a really long time, I went to my house in Curicó. Fortunately we were all, because my dad asked for vacations, so he spent it with us. My mom was really worried about the meal. She went to the market late, so it was almost empty, but there were many last minute offers. She bought a turkey at half of price; we injected it with brandy and stuffed with apples, onions, blueberries, etc. It was at least 5 hours in the oven, it was ready at 11’clock I think. We were hungry so we served it immediately; it was yummy and juicy, not like last year’s turkey. We served it with some salads and duchess potatoes. Everything was perfect. After dinner we opened our gifts: I received a Nutella pot, a pair of socks and a bag. My brother got a monocycle and some other things I can`t remember, my other brother received some circus things like rings, balls, juggling clubs, etc. My mom and dad got many stuffs like a massager, a perfume, an import beer, etc. Then we saw a comedy while we were eaten strawberries with cream. 

This Christmas was exactly what I needed: some good time, good talk and good food with my family.

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Language according to Mark Pagel

Pagel says that language is the product of the human`s need to communicate and ask for collaboration from the others members of the group, that is how language is a powerful social tool: “using language you can get what you want”.

He tells us how language evolved (only in our specie):  “animals learn copying to others: that is a social learn”. According to that idea, chimps just copy some act over and over again: “what monkey see, monkey do”. And that is the biggest difference between chimps and humans: we can reason what act we want to imitate, we can use this advantage for individual benefits or for social benefits. Humanity prefers to work in team and that is how we control the nature and the world, but unfortunately many people chose the first option and that explain, for example: the Chilean’s inequalities.

The way we talk defines us as person: we belong to that group when we speak like they do, because we can communicate better with them. People recognize an English man just for the way he talks, I mean, language carries an identity. But somehow with the globalization that diversity is getting lost.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011


It is a really complete website that not only informs, but also teaches in an easy way, is because of this characteristic that it can be used by anyone, no matter the mother tongue (English, Spanish, French or even Chinese).  

It has many activities and games for listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation showing in a very dynamic and recreational way, particularly the weird news that are also funny. For example: I read one about the 200 new species found in Asia, I also had the opportunity to listen it or see the glossary with some difficult words.

This activity makes me wonder something: 
¿Why the hell the Government buy 1 computer to each student if the teachers do not use them in classes? And then everyone complains about the terrible English that their children learn at school. I think that English teachers should use technology and this kind of websites, not only the ministry’s book. They need to be smarter! Doing this they help themselves and their students. 

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011


Here are my reasons why THIS TERM is a really bad idea:

First of all, I just wanna say that I feel awful about it!

In the last 6 months I did NOTHING, that is why I forgot how to study, how to sleep earlier to wake up in the morning and some others activities that now (suddenly) I have to learn again and get used to.

I do not have enough time for fun (at least not when I want it).

I hate Santiago in summer, it’s so hot!

Transantiago is disgusting and people are so sweaty.

Many guys from others  regions (like me) even have to decide between go home in Christmas or New Year’s Eve, because of time and money. This situation is absolutely horrible and sad.

My whole family is enjoying their vacations and I am here suffering.

As you see… I have nothing to be happy about with this semester.