miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

I used to...

Actually, when I was a kid (I mean…2 years ago) I was really worried about the environment. I used to watch all the Nat Geo and Discovery Channel’s programs related to this topic. I was truly concern because of my children and the future that they will have because of our fault.

Even I was determinate to study Engineering in Conservation of Renewable Natural Resources because I wanted to feel that I was doing something and in some way, say to them that it wasn’t MY fault.

I used to separate all the rubbish, especially papers and cartons waiting months for any recycle campaign in my school.

The most heroic feat that I did was to stop the buying of a “Bosca” in my house.

But that was all, because I starting to feel weird; I didn’t know anyone else who cared about it; I was vegetarian and my mom still forced me to eat meat and also the government created an Environmental Ministry which doesn´t create legal proposals or at least campaigns to solve the problem.

I get really tired about the whole thing, because I felt that everyone was against me, so I quitted and now I´m a horrible person.

Now the only thing that I do is to try to take a shorter shower and my dad collects all the glass bottles and then he put them into the Coaniquem container (which is the most common thing, I guess), but that’s all.

Some few months ago I heard the story of man and his team that asked their neighbors in Coquimbo to give them all their rubbish, then they sell it and with that money they repairs some things and make others that they give back to the community, and everyone were happy. And I thought: What a fabulous idea!

The thing is that with this example, I learnt that actually rubbish is money, but nobody seems to notice that, some municipalities did, but definitely our government and society not.

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Santiago and I

Last summer I heard that Santiago was one of the better cities for holidays according to an important newspaper that I can´t remember in this moment and I was like plop! I thought: “Why!? It’s so horrible and hot”. But now, even when I still thinking like that, I see that actually Santiago has its charm. When you know it, it’s kind of adorable, because of the diversity of people, environments and activities.

First of all, I think that I must clear this change of opinion. I used to hate Santiago, I mean; I’m from Curicó, where the longest distances are 20 minutes apart everywhere and then everything is country. And suddenly I came here: "the grey city". I didn’t know how to use metro and Transantiago. I was scared about going out alone because of the thieves and also, last semester I was living in Estación Central, right next to the bus station and it was really awful, very noisy, pollute and disgusting and for all those things and many more that I can´t mention here I was so miserable there.

Oddly, when those problems were solved (maybe because now I live in Ñuñoa and everything is so different: greener and more peaceful). I kind of change my mind: I learned to love Santiago, especially the theaters, museums, malls, galleries, concerts and all the cultural activities that here we have, like Santiago a Mil that is fantastic! I love it!

If a tourist asks me where to go, I would recommend him the most perfect and representative places of the city like the old quarter, Santa Lucia and San Cristobal hills, some museums, theaters, Plaza Ñuñoa and restaurants in the Central Market.

Anyway, I think that this city needs desperately less people and cars and more trees and cycle paths, but I guess that I’m just dreaming, don´t you think?

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Pablo Neruda

Wow! What a big question! I really don't know… I mean… many Chileans built this country, so I cannot say who the best is. 

The only thing that I can say is that the one who I admire most is Pablo Neruda and not only because his wonderful poetry of many different topics for all kind of people; but also because his social interest and ideology.

This man is one of the greatest poets of the XX century. He directed and collaborated in many magazines and newspapers and published a lot of articles, books and poems: the first one was Enthusiasm y Perseverance and the most famous (I guest) is Twenty poems of love and one desperate song. 

His work influenced many other artists, not only writers as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Federico Garcia Lorca, but also musicians like Los Jaivas or Angel Parra. 

In 1971, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, the most important international recognition for a writer.

His public image was related to his international diplomacy as ambassador and his militancy on the communist party. Unfortunately it ends really badly. He had to live in exile because of his denunciation of horrible act of violent repression from part of the Government and back in Chile he died in 1973, 8 days after the coup d'État.

In 1974, after his death, his autobiography entitled I confess that I have lived was published. 

I’m sure that he had a natural talent, but anyway I would like to ask him: what his biggest inspiration was? Why he refused to be the President of Chile? And did he really die of cancer?

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Not for me

Hi! My name is Paulina and I’m a water monkey in the Chinese zodiac.

The description of monkey in some way sounds like me, especially in characteristics like curiosity, cleverness, creativity, tendency to be a prankster and a people-watcher. But I must clear that there are some things that really annoy me, because in my case they are not truth, for example: I do not considered myself as an extremely sensitive person, a heart-breaker or anything like that (I do not cry for anything and I’m not promiscuous).

I honestly believe in everything (until someone proves the opposite), I mean, ghosts, God, UFO, elves, Antichrist, Nostradamus, etc., except astrologists, because we cannot know if they are trickster or not. They are experts in the art of "say what people want to hear" (that all their problems will be solved), that is why I cannot trust in them.

Also, I never read the horoscope because I believe that we are all different and according to Chinese zodiac: all the people who born in the same year are equal in personality. Why? I see my partners (most of them have the same age of me) and we are all different. So why do we necessary have to live the same experiences or acting in the same way? I can find the basis of that theory. That is why I do not read the horoscope; I think that is a waste of time.

Anyway, I respect people who believe in Astrology and esoteric things; because they have a low self-esteem, so they need that illusion. But, I think that are more important things to take care about.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Chimps and their ability to share information with language?

Chimpanzees seem to know when other chimps didn’t realize danger that a threat lay ahead, they raise the alarm and then they pass the warning on to others who lagged behind. And when everyone knows of the danger, they made calls less often until the danger is gone.

 “The behavior suggests the animals knew what their fellow apes knew and made decisions over what warnings to give based on the information. It's as if they're picking up on differences in ignorance and knowledge in others" said Dr Catherine Crockford, who studies ape communication and social interaction at the University of St Andrews. She believes that this is an intelligent act vocalized, not a simple reflex, so it proves some kind of reason.

According to the experiment, chimps respond with different sounds, barks or alarm calls for distinct dangers, like a leopard or snake. The fact suggests that apes have a kind of language, which help them to share information.
The slogan of the article says: “Humans may not be alone in having insight into the minds of others”.
Well, I think that it is kind of obvious. I glad that finally Science and also our anthropocentric culture accept that we are not the top of the world and there are other creatures that also have feelings (like pain) and that maybe they don’t have our reason, but something like that; because they are conscious of their environment and situation; they have a kind of language and also they interpret some expressions, gestures or alarm screams from others member of the group.

If you are looking for more information, here is the link:
