miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Chimps and their ability to share information with language?

Chimpanzees seem to know when other chimps didn’t realize danger that a threat lay ahead, they raise the alarm and then they pass the warning on to others who lagged behind. And when everyone knows of the danger, they made calls less often until the danger is gone.

 “The behavior suggests the animals knew what their fellow apes knew and made decisions over what warnings to give based on the information. It's as if they're picking up on differences in ignorance and knowledge in others" said Dr Catherine Crockford, who studies ape communication and social interaction at the University of St Andrews. She believes that this is an intelligent act vocalized, not a simple reflex, so it proves some kind of reason.

According to the experiment, chimps respond with different sounds, barks or alarm calls for distinct dangers, like a leopard or snake. The fact suggests that apes have a kind of language, which help them to share information.
The slogan of the article says: “Humans may not be alone in having insight into the minds of others”.
Well, I think that it is kind of obvious. I glad that finally Science and also our anthropocentric culture accept that we are not the top of the world and there are other creatures that also have feelings (like pain) and that maybe they don’t have our reason, but something like that; because they are conscious of their environment and situation; they have a kind of language and also they interpret some expressions, gestures or alarm screams from others member of the group.

If you are looking for more information, here is the link:


4 comentarios:

  1. it sounds really interesting... I hope it will be interesting if I readf it... Why are you talking about that? do you want to be an a phisical anthropologist? :o

  2. it's really interesting to think about language and comunication in animals different than humans

  3. Very interesting because despite these investigations many academics continue to argue that language is only human nature

  4. Is a very interesting topic. This news remember me a very good film, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"

